Celebrations and new traditions

With my son's first birthday fast approaching, I have been thinking a lot about how we are going to celebrate the occasion. I've found myself getting excited about the prospect of doing little things to dote on him and generally make a big fuss over him. Every opportunity I get to make a home for my son I'm reminded of how much of a homemaker I really am, and my heart swells with love from the pleasure of it all.

What a lovely opportunity to create new traditions as a young family. Growing up in boarding school, I never had much chance to have little traditions around my birthday; but I am intent on making sure that the same is not true for my children. The nice thing about new family traditions is that they can be made to suit you, carried over year to year until they come to signify comfort and embody the very essence of home and love.

This year, I have a few ideas of how to celebrate my son's day: We will wake up at our usual 7am with morning cuddles and a feed in bed, get ourselves ready, then go downstairs for breakfast as usual. To start off the birthday celebrations we will have breakfast waffles with fruit and chocolate sauce, before heading out for a morning walk around the village.

For the afternoon we will bring out the main event of the day - this year will be the birthday cake; a Bundt cake. Without a pandemic, we would be factoring in a birthday trip - a visit to my favourite town Oxford, would have been just the thing for his first birthday. There is always next year. Perhaps in future years we will expand this to include a getaway trip.

Perhaps we may end the day with a little movie in bed, with a babychino and hot chocolate sprinkled on top for the little one. I expect this to be messy; and that will be a worry for the next day.

We will remember to take endless candid and staged photos throughout the day for posterity. And before I go to sleep, I will write in both our journals my thoughts of the day as well as my hopes and dreams for my son's future. I will remember to give thanks for the little things alongside the big things, and look back with gratitude over his first year.

I am glad of the opportunity to start these traditions for my son; no doubt as the years go on by we may add on more things as he forms opinions of his own. But the basic tenant will remain - a day set aside to slow down and give thanks.


Ps: All photos sourced from Unsplash

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